
Monday, September 18, 2017

Dolly Finds and Lottie's World: Forest Friend Lottie

I swear, when I'm out by myself, I look for miniature items or things that I can use for my dolls. In this blog post, I found three things.

This display case with a clock! I thought it would be a nice backdrop for a fashion or tourist photo shoot. It was really heavy, and quite pricey for my budget so I didn't get it. But if I get motivated, I could totally craft one.

A laptop spotlight! It would probably look great on a photo shoot doll scenario. It's something you have to plug to a computer though so I don't think I could use it for my own shoots, and I decided not to get it. I don't need my laptop to occupy my desk just so I could turn this thing on.

This one, I did get though. It's a fairy door set! I didn't even know such thing exists until I looked it up online. There are actually people who purchase this stuff so they could decorate their house with a fairy door. Amazing!

The box is heavy, and the door is actually made of concrete or something. It sure is solid!

I later found out that the door is too short for Lottie, boo!! But I just had to use it as a prop so I just made adjustments for the photo shoot!

Here is my new Lottie doll, Forest Friend! She's a gift I received from the Lottie team for joining their Instagram takeover! Thank you, Lottie Dolls! She's so cute!

I found a white polka-dotted hard green felt, and I thought it would look nice together with the pink door! It totally worked!

This is the first time I used the orange plastic flowers I bought from the department store. They are cheap and just the right size for my doll photos!

I was experimenting with the light, by the way, so I have similar photos but the shadows and lighting are quite different!

I had a miniature cactus, which I thought would look cute on Lottie's lap!

Here's how my set looked like. On the photos you couldn't see the grass on the ground. That's because I didn't want to show the box I used to raise the door higher so that it would fit Lottie. It would have been really nice if the door's size was a perfect fit. I would have had more fun taking photos.

In other news, I got a new secondhand doll, by the way, lol. It's Mrs. Heart from the Barbie Heart family. She has a unique looking face mould! I still have to work on her hair, and her lip paint has been scratched off so I have to do some repaint as well.

And I'm not sure if it's pushing through but a relative coming home from Canada bought me a gift: it's Lucky from the Spirit Riding Free doll line! I'm so excited to get her, if I do get her, lol, because she's articulated and we don't have Spirit Riding Free here in the Philippines!! Fingers crossed!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Muddy Puddles' Adventure

When I took these photos, Muddy Puddles Lottie was still a new doll in my collection. I wasn't that familiar with her face yet, so I thought I didn't photograph her that well. I'll improve, for sure.

I brought her at my family's ancestral house. It is abandoned, and needed some TLC.

Oh, a jackfruit! It was still unripe for picking.

Muddy Puddles found my late grandfather's car. It was very dusty, but she didn't mind. She wrote her name on the dusty windshield.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Lotties' Day Out

As promised on a previous post, I'm posting the photos I took for my Lottie Dolls Instagram takeover. I went over my old post again and found that three of my Instagram posts were deleted. I wonder why. I guess the Lottie team didn't like the shot I took at the stairs, and the library shots. I didn't like the library shots that much either, so I'm not posting those anymore.

Some shots I took by our backyard mango tree.

I brought all three Lotties to a country club to relax.

I like this shot because the halls were empty, and I was on my stomach when I took this shot, lol. I didn't care. I just had to get that shot.

Pool side. I didn't bring any swimsuits for the girls, so no swimming.

I think this is the missing shot from the Lottie Dolls Instagram account, but it doesn't bother me that it's missing. I just didn't think it would get deleted, but *shrugs*.

I made Lottie do a cartwheel. It took a little while to make her balance!

So I guess, that's it for this post, lol. I have taken these back in June, so I don't have much to say anymore given that they're not fresh photos. Sorry!

Here's an additional photo, by the way.

It's just a candid shot of Muddy Puddles on my table.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Lottie's World: Extreme Skateboarding

Aha! My first Lottie's World post in such a long while! I finally came up with something! 

I was experimenting with the light, so I took more than one shot for this pose.

This is short and sweet, but it took me more than an hour to set this up! It was challenging, but I learned a lot!