
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Up In The Mountains with Dee and Bee

My sister and I went to a clubhouse where she is a member of and is situated in the mountains and I knew it was just the right time for me to bring some dolls with me for taking photos. I knew the weather is bad, that it would be foggy up there, but the place has a pool side and lots of beach chairs and spacious rooms so I think I could come up with a photo or two. It was my first time to take a doll with me outside so I didn't have anything prepared. I just grabbed two dolls from my collection and hoped for the best.

I randomly picked two La Dee Da dolls, the newest additions to my collection. I found both of them at the thrift store on different occasions and thought I struck gold, doll gold haha, because they were quite in good condition even when they came with no clothes and shoes.

Here's the first photo I took:

This La Dee Da doll is City Girl Dee. I love her red hair. I dressed her up with Winx Club Flora top and skirt and clone Barbie fairy shoes. Look, this is really amateur of me because I didn't even bother anymore about Dee's upskirt shot, haha, but she has moulded panties anyway. 

When I brought her out of my laptop bag and positioned her on the table, I felt awkward, because who does that but only doll hobbyists? I was a little scared of what to do, and I was even in a hurry to put her back in my bag, feeling that fear of being judged by the doll I carried with me from the city. But there weren't a lot of people around, so I went with it.

Dee is posing next to a huge taco salad. I love this. It's packed with vegetables and even came with guacamole. It was very filling and I would definitely order this when I come back.

Badly-lit photo, haha. I used the flash on my phone.

Look beyond the rail and you could see that it was foggy out there. If I wandered to the rock gardens nearby, I was afraid I'd slip because the ground is wet. So I didn't go for it.

My sister ordered a shoyu ramen, a soy sauce based noodle soup. To me, the soup doesn't look appetising in this photo because it lacks in presentation, but the broth actually tastes good. And it was a huge bowl that my sister and I had to share it.

I'm no food photographer, hey.

We also ordered two sets of salmon sushi, and here is my plate. The pieces are HUGE. Those aren't bite-sized at all.

That taco salad gave me gas, lol, but it was so worth it. I thought afterwards that we shouldn't have gotten an extra salmon sushi plate because the food was too much.

Afterwards, my sister and I went to the library because we were getting bitten by mosquitos at the pool side. There was wifi access so we took advantage of that and brought our laptops with us.

Here is Dee with another La Dee Da doll: Dee as Bee-licious. Basically Dee met herself here, haha. Anyway, I know this photo sucks because of the flash. It wasn't dark in the library. I just forgot to turn off the flash on this photo.

Dee as Bee-licious, um let's just call her Bee now to avoid confusion, is wearing a La Dee Da fashion pack dress, an unknown doll skirt over the dress, and clone Barbie fairy shoes. The shoes are in the wrong colour, but I didn't have any blue clone shoes like this. I only have red and purple.

Bee's solo shot. I am not fond of Bee's bent arms, but what can I do, eh?

I turned off the flash this time. See, the library wasn't dark at all.

Have a somewhat blurry shot of Bee again.

And here is Dee. I don't know why I posed her this way. Maybe I wanted her to look like she was having a coma for all the food we had earlier.

I'm not sure if you could see, but there's a small clothes pin at the back of Dee's skirt because Winx Club skirts are so wide waisted on La Dee Das. I guess it helps that the pin is colour red and is camouflaged in Dee's red hair.

I didn't take more photos of my dolls after this. I just put them back in my laptop bag and continued surfing the net. I was even watching where I left off on Most Popular Girls in School, haha.

Things I learned from this experience:
  1. It's better to practice posing your doll before you take her on a trip for a photo shoot. Knowing your doll's posing capability makes the shoot much faster to conduct, specially if it's a spontaneous shoot. Oh and it helps if you also think of how their eyes look, if they are painted straight or looking at the side. Sometimes I forget that dolls do not look straight at the camera so I end up forgetting to move their head towards it.
  2. Knowing how your camera works helps a lot too. Does it pick up light very well? Is it sensitive to motion? To be honest, I don't aspire to take Pinterest-worthy photos, but just photos I think that look decent enough to document whatever I was taking photos of. I like mobile phone photography that way because it doesn't take that much effort. But getting technical about this stuff, even just a little, can help improve future doll photos, right?
  3. A carrying case for dolls would be nice, to protect them from being broken, and if they came with accessories and props, those things would not get misplaced because they are packed securely. Just like how you would prepare for a flight, you need a bag or suitcase. Dolls need that, too.
  4. I guess it also helps in the story-telling of your photography if you have pre-set characteristics and background stories for your dolls. In my case, I didn't have anything planned for these two. They were just hanging out where I was. But what if, say, Dee has an adventurous side to her and she'd be the one getting into strange and hard to reach nooks and crannies in photos, while Bee is the dainty and prim and proper one, only seen sitting on chairs and couches? That would make an interesting photo shoot, I assume. These two dolls weren't even interacting with each other. They were just THERE.
  5. Muster all the courage and just go for it, no matter if other people look at you strange. It's just a doll you're holding, relax. It's not obscene, and it's not being loud, causing a racket and destroying the peace, so why should they care so much about your stuff? If someone asks about what you are doing, say it's for your blog, or it's for a project. Having a sense of purpose for the photo shoot makes you more strong-willed to just do it without hesitation.

Item no. 5 is my main issue because I am still not comfortable bringing dolls outside of my house. I mean, I'm not so open about my doll collecting to everyone, so the shyness is holding me back to take more photos, but I'll definitely work on it.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Snow Pixies Custom Dolls Ideas

The lack of articulation of the newest Ever After High Epic Winter Snow Pixies dolls is so disappointing. I wasn't expecting them to have full articulation anyway because of the previous release of the forest pixies dolls from the Dragon Games movie launch. Nevertheless, I was hoping Mattel would somehow improve the execution of the dolls.

I like the Snow Pixies Veronicub and Foxanne. Their box art is really pretty, but it doesn't translate that well on the dolls. They're not as dainty looking as I initially thought, so I'm having second thoughts now of buying them if ever they get released here in the Philippines. Besides, the dolls' price are twice as much here due to importation and taxation, so that's another thing that discourages me.

So I was thinking of ways for me to get that snow fox and polar bear fix on my dolls. What I came up with is to customise the Moxie Girlz Avery doll that I already have. She has blonde long hair and fair complexion, so I feel that she is a good candidate for snow pixie-fying, but my pink hair mascara is not enough to cover the bush that is called her hair and make her look like Veronicub. I still haven't lost hope though because I could use watered down acrylic paint to dye her hair pink, or blue if I want to make a customised Foxanne instead.

Anyway, I see so much potential in Moxie Girlz filling in the spot of the original Snow Pixies in my collection because first, Moxie Girlz is accessible to me. I can buy another one if I were to make both Snow Pixies custom dolls. Second, Moxie Girlz's hair can handle the bright colours and the curls. Take a look:

Moxie Girlz Magic Hair Cotton Candy Style - Avery

Moxie Girlz Magic Hair Cotton Candy Style - Sophina

Some comparison photos I made for fun:

Veronicub and Avery

Foxanne and Sophina

I also made a mock of the faceup. I skipped the yellow eyeshadow on Sophina, and the pink eyeshadow on Avery:

Oh I made her nose really big. Haha oops!!

Well,  I tried on the paw prints.

Ugh I just don't like the execution now of the snow pixie dolls. Why was that so easy to copy!!!!!1111111

Sure, Moxie Girlz dolls are not as articulated as Ever After High dolls, and their attachable feet are a con, but clothing option for these dolls is much more flexible for me than for these puny snow pixies who stand at around 8 to 9 inches.

Another way I was thinking of is to customise my two Licca-chan dolls, but at this moment I am not convinced that I should because they are much more difficult to find at a good price online than Moxie Girlz dolls, but what made me think of Licca as a possible base doll is this photo:

Cat-themed Licca

How adorable! And the faceup looks simple. Just some white paint around the nose and mouth area, and brown paint to add detail to the nose, lips and whiskers.

Now I feel that I am just in love with the idea of animals as dolls, and not necessarily these two Snow Pixies, but I could still warm up to them, you know. Sigh...

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Ever After High Epic Winter Snow Pixies Foxanne and Veronicub

Ever After High's upcoming movie is called Epic Winter. It features one of the newest characters in the school: Crystal Winter, daughter of the Snow Queen. With her are her small friends Foxanne and Veronicub, collectively known as Snow Pixies. Foxanne is designed after a snow fox, while Veronicub was designed after a polar bear.

Oh gosh the official art and stock photos are now available. Have a look:

Foxanne and Veronicub - official art

Oh I love this art. They're so gorgeous. If only their dolls come with articulated joints. They would really look much cooler.

Foxanne - full body shot

Foxanne - full body shot

Foxanne - up close

Foxanne's hair needs more curls at the end.

Foxanne - fur

Foxanne - shoes

Foxanne's skin is grey or white. Not sure if Ghoulia is available for a body transplant. Probably too dark? Maybe Catrine deMew or Duchess Swan. What do you think?

Veronicub - full body shot

Veronicub - full body shot

Veronicub - up close

Veronicub's hair needs a restyle to make it look like the one on her art. This is so Catrine deMew.

Veronicub - fur

Veronicub - shoes
Veronicub's skin tone looks similar to Draculaura's and Bunny Blanc's, hmm?

I wonder if they would look better if their shoes have been switched.

And I wish the detailing of their shoes have been painted, but these are actually budget dolls so that's impractical on Mattel's part, I guess.

I can't wait to see OOAK dolls of these two! So cute!

Monday, May 23, 2016

This Magik Petz Doll Looks Unoriginal

I was browsing online for Mimo figures when I stumbled upon a doll line on YouTube. It's called Magik Petz, and it was showed at Hong Kong Toy Fair in January this year. Here's the YouTube video I watched. One of the doll face sculpts caught my eye. First, let me show the thumbnail of the video:

Doesn't the sculpt look familiar???

That looks like an I Love VIP Pets toy from IMC Toys, doesn't it???

I Love VIP Pets Lea
I made a comparison of I Love VIP Pets Lea and this Magik Petz doll called Dana:

I Love VIP Pets vs Magik Petz

The eye screening is different, but the rest looks pretty similar. What where they thinking??!

I found a page where two of this dog-faced dolls are sold and these are their pictures of the dolls still in box:

Magik Petz Dana

Magik Petz Chloe
Seriously, Chloe's eye makeup is very similar to another I Love VIP Pets doll's makeup. It's really sad.

These dog dolls even come with pets sometimes:

Magik Petz Chloe with pet. Photo source:

A pet with a pet. Doesn't this set gives off major Pinkie Cooper vibes? OK...

I don't know about the other Magik Petz doll. Some of them are human looking, and the other looks like a pig, but these dog dolls are ~something else. What a shame.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Alice Through The Looking Glass dolls comparisons

I thought it would be fun to make comparison photos of the new Alice Through The Looking Glass dolls being sold at Toys R Us in America and at the Disney Store. Here it goes:

LEFT: Toys R Us Jakks Pacific
RIGHT: Disney Store


I like Alice's pants. They're weird looking.

Red Queen

The Red Queen's makeup and hairstyle are so iconic. I love it.

White Queen

I have no opinion about these dolls, haha.


Seems like both versions of the doll have good quality.

Mad Hatter

I am terrified of the eye expression on the Disney Store doll. Haha.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Zombie Alice doll for Pre-order

OK so I didn't mention this right away, but I heard back from Once Upon A Zombie a week or two ago and I was told that I shall receive my doll soon because they asked for my shipping address again. I don't know the ETA but I really hope it's not as late as June because the Zombie Alice doll will be officially released online on May 26.

Anyway here's a closer look of Zombie Alice, Zombie Cinderella and Zombie Sleeping Beauty. I'm only posting about these three first because Alice is a new doll, while Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty have been re-styled.

All photos from

Zombie Alice - full body shot

Zombie Alice - up close

Zombie Alice - in box

Zombie Sleeping Beauty - full body shot

Zombie Sleeping Beauty - up close

Zombie Sleeping Beauty - in box

Zombie Cinderella - full body shot

Zombie Cinderella - up close

Zombie Cinderella - in box
I can't say much about the face sculpt, if it has been modified because I don't even have a first wave Zombie Princess doll to make comparisons with, but these redressed dolls are looking good.

I also want to mention that Zombie Belle and Zombie Little Mermaid are getting new hairstyles, and I particularly like Belle's crimps:

Zombie Belle - full body shot

To see the other dolls, just go to the main OUAZ website and click DOLLS.

Oh how I wish I'd get the Zombie Alice doll soon....

/I added a comparison photo of what Zombie Alice looked like when she was previewed two years ago, and what she looks like today.