
Saturday, January 30, 2021

Doll Collecting During The Pandemic

Honestly, struggling to keep a hobby during this pandemic should be the least of my worries, because people are getting sick and dying all over the world and it can come off as insensitive, but for the rest of us who have managed to be covid-free (So thankful!!) and choose to stay at home to self-isolate, I think it can be a big deal. It’s challenging during these times to keep the mind healthy.

My doll collecting has been affected mainly because I had to move out of the city to live with my dad in his rural hometown. If I remember correctly, even before the pandemic happened, I have decided to stop doll blogging indefinitely, but it didn’t mean I stopped collecting dolls. I still enjoyed it.

The community quarantine here is still not lifted, so mobility is not as easy and carefree as it was before, but it has laxed a bit so I could go to the mall sometimes to get a few things I need. Sometimes I would also drop by the toy section at the department store quickly to check toys and if there are price drops and all, take pictures of things I like, then leave immediately. That’s how I’ve managed to update my Instagram account with photos of dolls and miniature toys, because of those quick trips to toy aisles, and also because I spend some of my time online, looking at doll listings on Facebook, and would take screen shots of doll photos over there.

Here are two that I found:

Oh my, it’s Zombie Belle from the Once Upon A Zombie line! I rarely see this on Facebook but here we are and I choose not to buy it even if I want to. I mean, my Zombie Alice could use some company.

And there’s a Lottie doll too. I would have bought this in a heartbeat, under normal circumstances.

But I couldn’t.

First, shipping is an issue for me because I am living in a rural area. It takes more effort and money for stuff to be shipped where I am right now. If I were back home in the city, it might be easier, but...

Things do add up and when I think more and more about it, it makes me uncomfortable. P200 for Lottie, P350 for Zombie Belle. Plus 2 separate shipping fees because these do not come from the same seller. I feel awful just thinking of the money I would spend for collecting stuff when I could use that money first for food and other necessities. It feels unwise to give in. So to compensate, I just saved these listings on Facebook and posted pics here for posterity. 

Maybe it’s just a phase. Maybe it’s the selfish consumer part of me wanting to buy the dolls, when I have lots already. Maybe I just miss the thrill of buying dolls online.

I’ve been reading and watching materials about minimalism lately, and felt the need reevalute my life and how it revolved around possessions. It’s not an easy assessment. I HAVE SO MANY DOLLS. Why do I keep wanting more??? I have no clear answer to this question but I understand that this is a journey. The answer might just unfold in front of me if I pay more attention or live with more intent, I guess. Or I don’t know. I’m confused. 

I still enjoy doll collecting, but right now it’s not the best time for me to pursue it, sad to say.

1 comment:

  1. I do agree that we should prioritize life's necessities before our hobby, but if I have extra money, I would treat myself to new toys. It helps my mental health, although just for a while. I always immediately get a reality check and go on a doom-and-gloom mode.

    With how the government is failing miserably in fighting the pandemic and how the they steal from us(remember the Philhealth funds?), we could use all the cheering up we can get.
